TwoSum Sorted

The key insight

  • Inputs are sorted, therefore if we start at the left and right …
    • Moving the left pointer up the list will ALWAYS increase the sum

      (our small value gets larger, therefore the sum gets larger)

    • Moving the right pointer down the list will ALWAYS decrease the sum

      ( our large value gets smaller therefore the sum gets smaller)


( 02 is 2 and 03 is 3, just makes the spacing nice)

  1. 2 7 8 9 15 16 20 | Target = 16
  2. ^ _ _ _ __ __ ^_ | 02 + 20 > 16 -> make the sum smaller
  3. ^ _ _ _ __ ^_ __ | 02 + 16 > 16 -> so make the sum smaller
  4. ^ _ _ _ ^_ __ __ | 02 + 15 > 16 -> so make the sum smaller still
  5. ^ _ _ ^ __ __ __ | 02 + 09 < 16 -> so make the sum larger
  6. _ ^ _ ^ __ __ __ | 07 + 09 = 16 -> found it


  • right pointer moves until sum <= target where sum = left+right
  • if sum < target left+=1
  • if sum > target right-=1
  • if sum== target return [left+1right+1]


class Solution:
    def twoSum(self, numbers: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
        l, r = 0, len(numbers) - 1

        while l < r:
            target_hat = numbers[l] + numbers[r]

            if target_hat < target:
                l += 1
            elif target_hat > target:
                r -= 1
                return [l + 1, r + 1]  # 1 based index results